Maybe it's time for some before & after shots? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Hmmmm, maybe a thousand pounds of garbage??? We now have power - it was weird last weekend, the lights worked but not much else - the PUD says they have fixed a "cone leak" problem. And we have water! And hot water! Yay!!!
The entryway before & after:

Yeah, I used half that box of spic n span!! Wish I'd had some PINESOL!
The fireplace area:

This wall along the fireplace is where all our damage is. The wall is going to need to be replaced. If you look closely, on either side of the fireplace about 6" up from the floor - you can see daylight.....sigh...

The loft....

The main area (before photos of the mountain of crap in previous post....). Here' s an after shot from the loft.

Ok, yeah, the hanging red lamps must go.....
Tomorrow we're headed to Battleground, WA to empty out one of the storage lockers. Wish us luck...
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